Tuesday 14 February 2012

Driving Tips for Rural Areas to Keep Everyone Safe

Nothing can beat the charm of an enjoyable ride along the village roads. However there is more to it than it seems obvious to an ordinary pair of eyes. The pleasant weather and the stunning spectacles around might be tempting, however even the slightest distraction can prove costly as you should always be wary of wild animals or people at work. Though village roads are very less in traffic, the accident chances are twice when compared to cities

Here are some handy driving tips for rural areas that will keep everyone safe.

1) Put your lights on: The rural roads might have a number of curves and bends that will prevent the driver from seeing the obstructions ahead. Rock and landslides, straying wild animals or flocks of sheep or cattle heads and slow moving farm tools are some of the obstacles on the way. So make sure to keep the lights on, which will prevent accident chances.

2) Always spare a gaze for cyclists or children who might be near the road as you will be driving around camp tents and homes. Overtaking may be a challenging task on village roads because the clearance is very less in the roads on the high way. Give more time and space while overtaking to make a clear judgment. Be cautious of loose soil and steep drop offs. If the road is too narrow, it is better to wait until the other vehicle passes off.

3) Make sure to fill your vehicle gas tank and keep some fuel supply in your car’s trunk. Chances of getting lost on rural roads are more. So it is suggested to have a GPS unit, this will come handy while going through the badly signposted village roads. You must have a spare tire and a jack to make sure that you are not grounded. Towing your vehicle  to the nearest town will be a costly affair and time consuming too.

4) While driving on a rural road, chances of finding animal crossings will be common. If you will find any animal on the roadside, slow down your vehicle because these animals are highly unpredictable and can barge into the vehicle.

5) Country roads are famous for unmarked field and farm driveways, so always keep the driving speed under limit to make sure you may be in control at abrupt crossings and intersections

6) Driving along the same stretch of road for a considerably long time may cause a phenomenon called highway hypnosis. So make sure that you do not fall asleep at the wheel by listening radio or talking to your friend in the car without getting distracted.

7) Village roads are uneven and bumpy and wearing the seatbelts while travelling ensures a safe and hassle free driving experience.

8) By custom the vehicle closest to the safe shoulder will reverse and on steep hill drives, the vehicle traveling downhill will reverse. But when you come across heavy vehicles like logging trucks or trailers, pull over well in time to pass irrespective of your driving position.

Drivers who are accustomed to urban roads will find these rural driving tips handy in ensuring a safe drive. Before going on the drive, it is a good idea to brush up your village road driving skills in any online driver safety school

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